Job Seekers
Case Study: PE Firm Needs Visionary President
Background: A Private Equity firm acquired a custom injection molder with unique and highly technical capabilities, but in need of new customers to spur future growth.
Objective: To attract a President with both the technical knowledge AND a track record of developing new business.
Strategy: Specifically targeting only those individuals with that right combination of skills, we confidentially present the vision of the PE owners to that hand-selected list.
Challenge: We identify a very small group who have ‘the Right Stuff’, and who also would have a motivating reason to accept this leadership role.
Final Hurdle: One candidate emerges as being clearly the best choice. We work with both sides to craft a win-win compensation package, including an equity component to incentivize the growth that the PE firm is targeting.
Result: The new President, who was not looking to make a job change at all, has the career opportunity of a lifetime. The custom molder and PE firm have the right person at the helm of the ship and the future is looking bright.